Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Festa Primavea 2005 Centro Cultural Belém

Februari 2005
Festa Primavera, what means Spring Festival in Cultural Centre Belèm

Part 1: 2 Pictures front cultural Centre
Part 2: the surrounding
Part 3: Inside the centre
Part 4: The free exposition
Part 4: the public and activities
Part 5: the dance hall
Celebrating spring when
the sun is not shining
and Portugeze people
don’t like grey day’s
And that’s why
despite all balloons and flowers
on none of these pictures
You will find one
of them looking happy
or really laughing

Even shinining colours
Beautifull flowers
Exposition, theater
And Portugese Food
Doesn’t seem to dimish the greyness
Of the publics mood

Maybe Next Month
when the art of
Frida Kallo comes
The sky will be more bright
Hopely she can bring
Some Mexican Sun
Because smiling people
Thats what I like!
Part 1: Pictures front cultural centre

Part 2: Pictures from the surrounding

Part 3: Inside the centre

Part 4: The free exposition
Part 5: Public and activities
Part 6: The Dance'hall'
(You feel like in the fifties!)